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Nassau Kantooromgeving 1

Is your work environment

ready for the future?


Nassau Oplossingen

Today, organizational success depends largely on the ability to adapt to new circumstances, not only by being at the forefront of the latest technologies, but also by making the organization more 'agile' and further develop the potential of employees.

Organizational dynamics

A modern work environment is expected to provide effective support for organizational dynamics. Whether it concerns the ever-changing space needs of teams that grow and shrink according to the circumstances, the opportunities to learn and experiment with new working methods, or the possibilities to share information and knowledge with each other, always and everywhere.



Whether a working environment is effective is determined by several factors. Not only the design of the physical environment plays an important role in this, but also organizational structure, work methods, processes, culture, as well as the ways ICT tools are used. Since these factors influence each other, it is important to develop them together.


Because every client's question is unique, Nassau has developed various methodologies and has an extensive range of instruments available for every challenge.

We aim to unburden our clients. Our integrated process includes all activities that are necessary to develop and realize a succesful and innovative work environment concept.

Nassau Agile Kantoorconcepten

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

― Socrates

Nassau uw partner voor het ontwikkelen en implementeren van hybride werkomgevingen

Life is short,

work somewhere awesome


Nassau Workplace Strategy

Workplace Strategy


Nassau helps clients to gain insight into the workplace challenges that await them, and to assess the impact of these challenges on working methods, organization of work and the way the workplace is designed and tools are used.

Subsequently, using our integrated approach, we help clients to develop a working environment that is ready for the future.

Nassau Workplace Analytics

Workplace Analytics


At Nassau we have a large set of tools at our disposal for analyzing relevant workstyle characteristics, including organizational culture, ICT / information provisions and the physical working environment. We collect data that help us to gain insight in current as well as future work practices. Data that 

provide guidance with regard to the (re)design of the physical, virtual and social work environment, but also to measure the (behavioral) impact and business performance.

Nassau Workplace Concepts

Workplace Concepts


Nassau's integrated working concepts are by definition sustainable and cost-efficient, offer employees excellent support, improve performance, cooperation and communication and establish a perfect environment for a responsible and engaged

workforce. We help our clients to create a great place to work. A workplace that encourages creativity and innovation and makes it a lot easier to retain and attract new talent.

Nassau Workplace Design and Build

Workplace Design & Build


Nassau takes care of the design and supervises the realization of the physical and virtual work environment. The activity analysis and inventory of wishes and demands form the starting point for design. It is to optimally facilitate the various activities

then necessary to coordinate working methods, tools and working environment in such a way that synergy is created. This is an iterative process in which employee participation and feedback is both necessary and desirable.

Workplace Training and Development

Workplace Training & Development


Our consultants help employees and managers to prepare for the new way of working through behavioral interventions, coaching, training and workshops.

Furthermore, Nassau has developed an

extensive, modular 'workplace program' to improve behavioral flexibility, innovative capacity, collaboration, involvement and effectiveness of  teams and individuals.


"The future of work is about developing an attractive working community,

by promoting involvement, cooperation and creativity. '

'Real innovation starts with people'

Nassau has developed and realized an innovative, integrated and flexible work environment concept in collaboration with management and employees of the CCPA department of Tata Steel.


The bar was set high. The new environment was to become the vibrant heart of a lively and dynamic group of communication specialists, advisers and copywriters. An environment that had to support common core values ​​such as inventiveness and curiosity, but also had to bridge conflicting work activities. Above all, the environment had to support CCPA's new way of working and offer the possibility to easily connect (across silos) to other departments. An environment and working style that is open and inviting while at the same time warm and homely.


The analysis showed that employees needed more flexibility and professional autonomy to determine where and when to work and more insight into each other's activities. Digital working was also high on the agenda. The department had all relevant software licenses, but applications were not used because they were insufficiently anchored in everyday working methods.


We helped CCPA to create a working style and working environment to better supported flexible, digital and result-oriented working.

Nassau Tata Steel Flexbele Werkomgeving
logo Tata Steel


Nassau Het Nieuwe Werken Trainingen en Workshops

Evidence based

'Evidence Based' provides the basis for the quality we like to offer. Our advice is substantiated as much as possible by insights and results from science and research.

Research results are carefully interpreted by our experts so that the specific context of the client organization is not lost. As such our analysis can help you to make better and responsible decisions.

Nassau Workplace Strategy Design Workshops


We use knowledge and skills from various domains and combine lessons and insights in the field of management, psychology, technology, housing and design.

After all, the challenges you are facing often cannot be captured in one domain or discipline. By combining different disciplines, we create synergy and the impact of the work environment solution is bigger.

Nassau Flexibele Werkomgeving, participatief design


Employees are involved in the development . and the design of the work environment concept - all the way.

An approach likes this makes it possible to jointly explore different options and to make informed choices. This also increases the acceptance for the end result. After all, lasting change only comes about when employees themselves become the owner of the change.

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